We are capable of accepting Photoshop files.  However, we do have a couple of recommendations that may help you avoid additional computer charges.

  • Flatten your image!
If you are concerned about being able to edit your files after saving them, flatten your image and then use “Save As.”  Give us both files if you like, but our RIP servers are not capable of handling large files with a lot of layers.  Yes, we can flatten the image, but the best way to ensure that fonts and colors are preserved correctly is to flatten your image before giving it to us.
  • Do not save multi-page documents as a .psd.
If you give us multiple files in .psd format to make into a multiple page document, we will convert those to a Photoshop PDF, and then use Acrobat to join the pages.  We will also need to charge you for this service.  We prefer to receive the files combined in a single PDF with all of the page dimensions the same.  We will take care of imposition for you, free of charge.
  • Do not exceed 300 dpi, and do not exceed the paper sizes listed on our paper page.
This may delay the receipt of your order.
  • CMYK color spaces….
All of our output devices are CMYK, an industry standard for printing.  The colors experienced in the CMYK color space tend to be a little less vibrant, by nature, than you will find in RGB.  (ie: your Monitor or inkjet printer.)  It is fine if you leave your images in RGB, and we would encourage you to do so.  However we do wish to inform you that unless specifically asked to do otherwise, we will convert your RGB images at the time of print using the CMYK color profile of “U.S. Web Coated SWOP.”